Wednesday, August 15, 2012

You'd Be Surprised....

Hello there, neglected blog. Yikes it has been way too long. One of my favorite websites is called People Of The Second Chance. The founders of the site are Mike Foster, one of the founders of, and Jud Wilhite, pastor of Central Christian Church in Vegas (one of my favorite churches). I like the stories that are on this website. They remind me that we are not alone in our struggles. The things you do...the things I do...the things that those around us do...there are others doing the same thing. The secrets we keep buried, the past we keep hidden, the stuff we are presently facing - guess what? Someone is going through it too. And you may be surprised if you knew who they were. Which brings me to the latest one I read. It's called You'd Be Surprised and it is a reminder to me that one, I should stay away from the judging and condemning part of life that we fall so easily into, because you never know who you know who may be struggling, and two, it is really a bad idea if you do find yourself with a condemning attitude to tell someone who is with you, because they may be facing the same struggle you are condemning. A graphic I posted on my Facebook wall said it well: "Be kind, for everyone you know is facing a hard battle."