Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Why I Am Not Emergent

This title doesn't refer to me, of course. I don't call myself an emergent Christian; I like to call myself a "missional follower of Jesus Christ". Yeah, I know it sounds like I'm about ready to move to Waco with my wife and my other wife and thirty followers and invest in Kool-Aid packets, but I like the term personally.

"Why I Am Not Emergent" refers to this article. It reminds me that a lot of people have some really whacked out ideas of what the emergent church believes. Obviously this piece is satire; however, I have heard similar claims by those who don't like the emergent movement simply because they have seen a quote from a book by Brian McLaren, or they've heard through the grapevine about a fringe emergent church, and assume that these small things add up to the whole of the emergent movement. Which obviously isn't true.


darker than silence said...

I've heard some of the same statements here at C.C.U.

But the baby-eating one is a new one :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam! Me and Kristen are back now from the trip and we have tons of pictures. If you want us to give a presentation for next Sunday when we get home thats fine, just let me know.