Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Matthew 6:33, CACV*

"Seek ye first what you are going to eat, what you are going to wear, which house you are going to buy, which car you are going to drive, which job you are going to take, who you are going to marry - and then, if any time is left, and if it's not too uncomfortable, please do something for the kingdom of God."

* CACV - "Comfortable American Christian Version"


darker than silence said...

I like it. Rather... convicting?

Where did you find it?

Adam said...

In "Dangerous Wonder" by Mike Yaconelli.

The version is a new one that I'm trying to put together so that we American Christians can continue to be smug and satisfied.

So Lee, they're not in Lifeway stores yet, but I'm sure they will be soon.

Rebekah said...

LOL oh my gosh, that is possitivly horrible! it's sad that we as christians often act that way. Sometimes it's hard not to. All this stuff here on earth is kinda "in your face" type of stuff... but the other things you really have to work at it to accomplish it. You have to force yourself to take the time. It's not easy. and frankly... the church has given up on decipleship, so what can we expect from them??

tenahawkins said...

This is GREAT! How many of us have been raised with this mindset only to find that scripture is the exact opposite of what we've been fed. It's about the kingdom, not us and instant gratification. I have to say my experience in South America has put a lot of things in perspective yet the minute I stepped foot back on American soil I was pulled back into 'it's all about me'.

How do we bring 'reality' back with us to show others, when we visit places that have nothing, yet sometimes have everything when it comes to relationships and God?

As you can see I'm still processing things :0). The Kingdom!? Now my question is what more can I do for the Kingdom?