Tuesday, September 05, 2006

100 Ways To Take The Yawn Out Of Your Relationship With God: 26-50

The list continues...

26. Do a Bible study of a character you admire but don't know much about.

27. Visit a church that has traditional stained glass windows. Study them until you understand both pictures and symbols. (NOTE: Cross View Christian Church in Waynesville has stained glass windows. Saw them when I was videoing a wedding.)

28. Write personal definitions for Christian words. Start with God, salvation, Heaven, Satan, grace, resurrection.

29. Learn to play a favorite praise song on the piano. Even if you pick it out with only one finger, make a joyful noise.

30. Converse with a friend who has a slightly different theological perspective from your own. Listen - really listen - to why he or she believes that way.

31. Keep a spiritual diary. Include daily paragraphs on what God is saying to you and what spiritual disciplines you are practicing.

32. Write a thank-you note to three people who mentored you in your Christian walk when you were a young Christian.

33.Take a Bible class for credit at a Bible college or by correspondence.

34. Memorize a chapter in the Bible.

35. Take notes during the sermon. On Sunday afternoon, go over them and ask yourself, "What did God want me to hear this morning? How does He want me to respond?"

36. Praise God by writing an acrostic around one of his n ames. In an acrostic, the first letter of a word starts the first sentence, the second letter, the second sentence. For example:

Great and wonderful You are.
Oh, how my heart praises You.
Dear Savior, You are worthy of all my love.

37. Buy picture postcards of the places you visit on business/vacation. Send them to people who need mail. Even fifty words of encouragement can mean a great deal to a lonely person.

38. Study a portion of Scripture. Using symbols, words, and doodles, draw what the section is saying to you. Compare your drawing with another Christian's who is using the same study method.

39. Play the "God Hunt" game. Each day look for God in the ordinary things that happen to you. Each evening share with your family where you saw God at work. For example: "I spied God at work today when I was able to avoid that accident."

40. Allow yourself some daydreaming time to think about what you could do for God if you had no time or money limitations.

41. Read a devotional book by a Christian who lived at least one hundred years ago.

42. Attend a Quaker meeting. Use the quiet time to pray.

43. Figure the different it would make to you - and God's work - if you gave God a pre-tax tithe rather than a post-tax tithe. Remember to figure in the return on tax-deductible gifts.

44. In an effort to build friendship and trust, teach a teen some skill you'd like to pass along - tuning an engine, baking a cake from scratch. Fit God naturally into your conversation.

45. Do a word study throughout the Bible. Start with a word like faith, family or love.

46. Pray daily for someone you don't like. Pray for that person, not just your relationship with him or her.

47. Participate in a short-term missionary experience. Pay your own expenses. For example, serve for a day at a soup kitchen or sign up for nine months as a house parent for missionary children at boarding school.

48. Invite Christian friends to watch and discuss a movie with you. The Mission and Babette's Feast are two excellent discussion starters.

49. Take a walking tour of your neighborhood. As you walk by each house, pray for the people who live there.

50. Read Scripture aloud to yourself. Pause frequently to think about what the words mean.


50 down, 50 to go.


Rochelle said...

Cute pictures.. I can tell you are a "cat" person :)
#46 is one I know I should do but I have a hard time doing it sincerely but maybe the key is praying for the person and not the relationship to start with

I like #30 I don't even have to go out of my house to do that one :)

Adam said...

I'm definitely a cat person. I wasn't until we had Kramer.

Today has been hard again with my grief. I found an old calendar that I had made for Debby for Christmas one year before Noelle that has all kinds of pictures of Kramer in it. Brought up sad and angry feelings all over again. I think it will get a little better when we can have our new kitty - a couple more weeks though.

Rochelle said...

Yeah I understand
It's weird how things can trigger feelings out of the blue It will get easier and I think you're new kitty will help:)