Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Significant Sacrifice

This is the second year of me participating in Lent. Even though I grew up Catholic, we were non-church going Catholics, so we never participated in Lent. In fact, the first time I remember seeing someone with ashes on their forehead was when I was a youth minister at my home church in Colorado, and one of the parents had it on their forehead. I had no idea what it was.

Last year I gave up caffeine, and this year I'm attempting to do the same. I love Boston Stoker (last year, I think it was Starbucks), so this is going to be a difficult time for me. This year, I also have a cause that I'm going to give the money I save on coffee to: LifeWater International, which is an organization that "demonstrates Jesus' love by working with people in developing countries to improve their quality of life through accessing, using and maintaining safe water." They have a program called Significant Sacrifice, where you donate the money that you saved by giving up something for Lent to help save lives through clean water. I found this organization through working on last week's Element, which was canceled due to weather and me being sick. At the time, I was disappointed, but it looks like there was at least one reason for me getting ready for an Element that didn't happen.

By the way, if you want a 40 day Lent devotional, leave a comment and I'll send it to you, courtesy of an online friend of mine.


Mike said...

hey I was planning to talk a little about Lent this Sunday at 3rd Place. I would be interested in what you have to offer. Thanks.

Rochelle said...

I've never thought alot about Lent . I work in an office where 5/8 are Catholic...we have a mass in the chapel and they did the ashes so my job partner had the ashes on her forehead today ...I asked her if she knew what it meant....why they put ashes on her forehead but she didn't. She did explain to me that Lent is a time when they sacrifice ..(She's giving up sweets)
Send me one of your 40 day Lent devotionals :)

darker than silence said...

I would like that devotional... If you could send it to me via that would work. I'll try and bring "The Divine Conspiracy" to church tomorrow. Thanks for letting me borrow it!

Dave Harriff said...

I know we're a couple of weeks into it already, but I'd love that Lent devotional. Send itt to
