It was announced recently what the new James Bond movie is going to be called - Quantum of Solace. Kind of a weird title, although it's the title of a short story in the Ian Fleming James Bond short story collection called Live and Let Die (also the title of a Bond movie).
I'm a big fan of the James Bond movies, especially the last one. My brother thought it was good, but he felt that it didn't really feel like a James Bond movie. I agree, but I think they changed the feel in a good way. After the movie before, where you had James Bond driving an invisible car in Iceland, being chased by a laser beam from space - a little more reality is good.
Anyway, the movie doesn't come out until the end of the year, but I'm extremely excited. Mr. White from the last movie will be back, as well as Felix Leiter (the CIA agent in the poker game, played by Jeffrey Wright) and the French secret agent Mathis. Of course M will be played by Judi Dench. And I'm excited by who is directing it - Marc Forster, who also directed the movies Stranger Than Fiction, Stay and Finding Neverland. And oh yeah, the villain is played by Mathieu Amalric, who did a great job as the informant in the movie Munich.
I've always loved James Bond movies so I will definitely look forward to this one. I liked Daniel Craig better than Pierce Brosnan but my personal favorite was Roger Moore.
Yeah, growing up he was my favorite, but I watch the movies now and he actually kind of drives me crazy.
Now The Saint with Roger Moore is still awesome.
The only "The Saint" I remembered was with Val Kilmer ..so I looked it up...that's an OLD movie!!!
The Val Kilmer one was based on The Saint T.V. show with Roger Moore. It was awesome.
Sorry I didn't email this question but I couldn't find your regular email address. With that said, I have had a question on my mind ever since your blog on helping third world countries. This is truly an admirable mission, and one that will be rewarded by God, but here is my question. Why do you think we put such an emphasis on helping foreign poverty when there is plenty of poverty in America. Doesn't it seem like that only time we offer help to those at home is when there is a major disaster? I believe churches need to be involved in more than just international missions. I believe that there should be a focus on community, nation, and international. We do a great job on the community and international but yet completely forget about those around the country that could use some financial assistance and even a hug. Just a thought, was wondering what your response to this was. This has nothing to do with you personally, by the way, but you are the one person I thought of that could give me a decent answer.
Well, it really shouldn't be an either/or proposition. We should be the hands and feet of Jesus in our own backyard as well as the world around us.
Acts 1:8 - you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth.
I don't think Jesus meant to just proclaim His word in those places, that we are to be "little christs", following his example. To be concerned what he was concerned about.
I agree that there are some serious problems in the U.S., and I would never say that we should ignore those problems. Hopefully we can all be his hands and feet no matter where he calls us to, whether it be to our own country, our own state, our own city, or the world.
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