Thursday, October 05, 2006

Before You Criticize The Emerging Church Movement...

you may want to head on over to the Internet Monk's blog, where he does a nice job of presenting five suggestions before criticizing what the emerging church is about and what it's doing. You might think the Internet Monk is an emerging church fan. He isn't - as of right now, he calls himself an interested onlooker.

It's worth the five minutes to check it out.


Mike said...

It is worth checking out. SOme people only listen to or read what like-minded people are saying. We rarely grow through agreeing. We often grow through being challenged.

I have been attacked as an "emergent." This is actually laughable, I am fairly theologically conservative. I do however actually live out our faux creed of "in essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things love." It is usually the "non-essentials" that cause the most trouble.

As I have been without a church home for almost a year, i have visited some other churches. What I have found is that there is a great difference in theological perspectives and cultural relevance.

Many churches may be theologically positioned int he same camp as myself but lack any connection to today's culture. That is not working.

As for the attacks on McLaren: do i agree with everything he says? No. Do I admire him for at least getting a conversation started about difficult and often untouched topics? Absolutely.

Most Christians are scared of the unknown and feel more at home with mediocrity and comfortability. (read my post on "funda-MENTAL-ism" )

One final note: I learned a long time ago that as a Christian (specifically a minister) we should comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. The afflicted are often represented by those who do not know Christ. The comfortable are often represented by those who say that they do.

Rochelle said...

This is a good article. So many people focus on the differences ..we need to focus on the end goal...reaching out to those who need Christ and there is more than one way to do that

Mike I really like your sentence about comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable... When it comes to putting faith into action...alot of people are uncomfortable with comforting the afflicted which is sad and they don't want to be prodded out of their comfort zone.