Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Proverbs Experiment

This morning, after I went to Dorothy Lane Market and got my coffee and two papers (to look for jobs), I came back and decided it would be a good idea to read my Bible. It had been awhile, with all the transition between Colorado and Ohio, looking for jobs, unpacking boxes, dusting and cleaning the house, and now of course getting all the Christmas stuff up. My Bible opened up to Proverbs 27, and there were some really good things in there, mostly about friendship. So this little idea came into my head - what about taking the month of December, reading a chapter in Proverbs a day (that coincides with the day of the month), and blogging each day about a couple of verses that either hit me between the eyes or just interested me? So that's my plan.

WARNING: If you've read my blog for a period of time, you know that I'm pretty good at starting projects, but not very good at finishing them. Especially if I'm going through books chapter by chapter. So pray that I can finish this one!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Decline And Fall of Charity

As I contemplate both working for a non-profit organization (just have to find one that's looking for an employee first!) and possibly starting up my own non-profit (that's going to take a lot of prayer), I read a very sobering and troubling article about how charities in the U.S. are struggling mightily with the problems we're having in our economy. Some of the big charities are really struggling, and I'm sure the small ones that weren't mentioned are as well.

There are some disturbing trends within giving to charities by both Christian individuals and churches, and it looks like it's getting worse with each generation. Here are some statistics that stood out to me:

- Fewer than 5 percent of churchgoers actually tithe 10 percent of their income
- Fewer than a third of twentysomethings give anything at all
- One 2007 study found 85 percent of church dollars are spent in-house, doing up the environs to snag more “seekers.”
- For every dollar evangelical churches now spend, they give about two cents to missions.

It was interesting but not surprising to me to find out that megachurches are worse in outside giving than small churches. When you have a gajillion people on staff and you have to spend $30,000 on set design for a new message series, not to mention producing CDs of your worship band, etc. (I know not all megachurches are like this, I'm just thinking of one that used to be close to my heart) - then you're not going to have much money after all that to actually impact the world outside of your church.

Anyway, I would recommend reading the article. It's kind of depressing, but hopefully the trend will reverse itself.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Happy Holliday Somewhere Else

I had a feeling this was going to happen, but it's interesting how the fans are going to react. If Matt Holliday didn't say something like this, the ownership would have been skewered for not keeping their best player. But now Matt has given them a way out, which is unfortunate. Now rather than blaming the inept management, fans are going to blame the player for leaving.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Up-To-The-Minute Election Results

I thought this was pretty cool - this Google map that lets you see the presidential election, as well as senate and house seats for each state. Let's see if it works here:

To see a full screen view, go here.