Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Albums I Enjoyed In 2009

Well, here comes all the year-end best of lists. I've decided this year not to rank my favorites of 2009, but just list them out. Here are the albums I enjoyed the most in 2009:

U2 - No Line On The Horizon

Sherwood - Qu

David Crowder Band - Church Music

Silversun Pickups - Swoon

Phil Danyew - Danyew EP

Jars Of Clay - Long Fall Back To Earth

Paper Route - Absence

Switchfoot - Hello Hurricane

Owl City - Ocean Eyes

Weezer - Raditude

Phil Wickham - Heaven and Earth

Kristian Stanfill - Attention

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I Fought The Law...

So every once in awhile in my life I've been kind of hounded by law enforcement. Sometimes it's my fault, sometimes it isn't. I guess it's time for it to happen again, because I received a ticket on my car for "expired plates." The interesting thing is that the tags say they expire Dec-09 which to me means they're good until the end of December. But oh no, not in the state of Ohio. It means they're good until your birthday, which in my case is December 3rd. I of course didn't know this because I don't know anyone in law enforcement, and the government did not send me anything letting me know that this new law had taken effect.

It reminds me of my last run-in, when I lived in Dallas and I received a letter saying my license was going to be suspended because of something that happened in Arizona. So I called Arizona and after several tries, I finally found out that I had a ticket in Mississippi that I never paid for, so they were suspending a license I never had in Arizona which meant that Texas was going to suspend my Texas license.

I have never been to Mississippi. I wonder if it was the Owl City guy back then? Because now I get confused with him, so maybe he messed my life up back then. Of course he would have only been like thirteen or fourteen or something like that. But it could have happened.

After paying a fine for something I didn't do, my license was reinstated and it was all good.

The time before that, I was interning in Arizona and couldn't get back to Colorado to renew my license because I was having brain surgery. Guess what happened when I got back to Colorado? The police had set up one of those drunk driving stops where they pull everyone to the side of the road to make sure no one is drunk. I wasn't drunk, but I did have an expired license. So I had to call my grandparents to come and get me, because my explanation, even showing the officer my shaved head and my scar, didn't get me anywhere.

So I wonder what will happen when I go to court to fight this ticket? The law will win, and I will be out 150 bucks. Merry Christmas to me.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Is Social Media A Fad?

Thanks to Kem Meyer's blog, I found a very interesting video on social media. I'm thinking about the possible ramifications social media has on the church and how we do things and "market" ourselves, but for now, here's just the video.