I'm encouraged at the amount of organizations out there that are trying to do everything they possibly can to end human trafficking, forced prostitution, and forced labor. Here are several of them:
The Salvation Army - I had no idea that the Salvation Army did anything about human trafficking. It once again tells me that this organization is amazing. I have two friends who were pastors in The Salvation Army (yes, it's a church), and they were amazing people.
Captive Daughters - this group focuses specifically on girls and women.
Coalition Against Trafficking of Women - another organization dedicated to helping women who are trafficked.
End Child Prostitution Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children For Sexual Purposes - wow, long name. But it's obvious what their mission is. We don't realize how much of this happens in the U.S., but it definitely does.
International Organization for Migration
The Polaris Project
The Projection Project - from Johns Hopkins University
Initiative Against Sexual Trafficking
U.S. Health and Human Services - has some good fact sheets about human trafficking.
Also, September 26-28 has been designated as a weekend of prayer and fasting for victims of sexual trafficking.
On August 17, at Life Church, we will be devoting a whole service to human trafficking. We will show the movie we saw at CIY called Baht, and we will tell our church about our trip to Cambodia next summer.
It's a worldwide problem...sick world. I'm glad there are groups helping with this. I hope your church supports you for your trip to Cambodia...in prayer and resources.
This sounds amazing!
Also check out Free the Slaves, they are another great anti-human trafficking organization.
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