I just got back from a luncheon that I got invited to last night. I no longer believe in coincidences, especially when it comes to my passion to help eliminate human trafficking. I thought I was just going to a World Vision AIDS awareness luncheon and experiential tour - but it was more than that.
The keynote speaker was Scott Lewis, who is the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of International Justice Mission. IJM helps prosecute those who exploit women and children in the sex trafficking big business around the world. See the connection?
I got a chance to meet Scott after his talk, and I'm excited about the possibility of partnering with IJM in helping get rid of sex trafficking around the world.
Here are my notes that I took during his message:
- There are two standards by which we judge events in the world: NEAR and FAR. Unfortunately, for most of us, things have to hit close to home in order for us to act upon a problem.
- when we take action, it gets us out of the world of US and OURS.
- IJM is a collection of lawyers and advocates who take cases of violence against people in developing nations and seek justice for them.
- a seldom talked-about aspect of the AIDS pandemic is the problem of human violence and sexual violence.
- millions of widows and orphans due to violence. 61% of new infections in women in Nigeria are due to sexual violence.
- 78% of South African women have been forced into sex.
- In sub-saharan countries, more than 25% of womens' sexual experiences are forced.
- Between 1 and 2 million girls between the ages of 5 and 15 are introduced into sex trafficking every year.
- Hebrews 13 - Remember those who are suffering as if you were the one who was suffering.
- What we can do: (1) bring rescue and restore the victims; (2) bring perpetrators to justice; (3) train pastors and community leaders to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the victims; (4) build the effectiveness capacity of the local justice system.
- 6,000 children become orphans due to AIDS deaths every day in the world.
- When God drives out fear, joy comes back to victims of fear.
It was an amazing thing today. I also bought a couple of books by Gary Haugen, who is the founder and president of International Justice Mission. One is called "Good News About Injustice", and the other is brand new and is called "Just Courage." Haugen will be speaking at the Leadership Summit at Willow Creek next month, I will definitely have to get that CD.
And oh yeah, the experiential tour - didn't get to do that yet, because it was pretty busy - but I signed up for next Monday. You can do the online experiential tour here. Just go to the downloads at the top of the page, click on it, and you will see the online experience.
Hey Adam
That is the same tour I went to in the spring when it was here..you have to go!...it will pierce your heart. You are actually one of the characters when you go through and at the end you find out if you are hiv + or -
There is never coincidence when it comes to God..he has a plan and mission for you
Hi Adam,
IJM HQ came across your site, thanks for the encouraging post about Gary Haugen's books. There is also a new website dedicated to Just Courage, you might want to check it out at http://www.justcourage.com
-Lyn at IJM
Thanks Lyn! I'm looking forward to reading both books.
I went today. It was amazing. I ended up sponsoring a child, so now I'm going to quit coffee to pay for it. I picked a girl who was about Noelle's age, so she can relate to her and write her and stuff.
I was HIV -.
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