You may have heard of Brooke Fraser - since 2006, she has been part of the Hillsong United worship band - her most familiar songs are probably None But Jesus and Hosanna (which we're doing again this Sunday).
Well, she just recently released her first CD for the US, and it's amazing.
You can go to her her website for more information, or just go on iTunes - her CD was the fifth most downloaded CD of last week. You can get her CD, Albertine, for only $5.99 right now. It's worth ten times that much.
To preview some of the songs, go to her myspace page and check her out.
You know how much of a Once evangelist I was when I finally saw that movie. Now I'm a Brooke Fraser evangelist - you won't be disappointed! (especially if you're a Sarah McLachlan fan, which she reminds me of)
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